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Advanced classes are suitable for those with a strong pilates practice, dancers, teachers or fitness professionals. These classes are designed to build on your knowledge, flexibility, strength and range. Expect more progressions than regressions, building knowledge along the way. Fluidity and adaptability are key as we literally explore our body to greater heights and lengths, releasing and rebuilding. You may find aerial silks being used to stretch and correct the upper shoulder girdle, towers rehearsing our posture in practice, boxes, arch barrels and whatever is deemed suitable to come into this physical play. There’s always another inch to explore in our muscular skeletal system and kinetic movement patterns. Take time to connect.

5-minute grace period for late arrivals. Please wear grip socks.


  • Increased flexibility
  • Advanced progressions
  • Enhanced strength
  • Posture correction
  • Muscular exploration
  • Fluid movement

Class Schedule

  • Monday -
  • Thursday -
  • Wednesday -
  • Thusday Multiple times
  • Friday -
  • Saturday 17:30 - 18:30
  • Sunday -

Book a Class

If you have any questions about a class, feel free to reach out to us! See contact information below.