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This class is classically inspired, and carefully created to focus on precision and control . Postural alignment in all movement patterns is a central focus, this attention to correct anatomical alignment makes the class flow at a slower more controlled pace. Think of equal attention to both release and rebuild, this is how the body of gymnasts and ballerina’s are built. Optimal movement range, optimal muscular engagement = long, lean muscle and a posture to be proud of. The class is open level, encouraging everyone to find their optimal movement and progression for that day. In a classical class you are likely to see sets including equipment such as the Tower, Arch Barrel, Boxes etc.

5-minute grace period for late arrivals. Please wear grip socks.


  • Postural alignment
  • Precision & control
  • Lean muscle development
  • Optional movement range
  • Progressive engagement
  • Classical technique

Class Schedule

  • Monday Multiple times
  • Thursday Multiple times
  • Wednesday Multiple times
  • Thusday Multiple times
  • Friday Multiple times
  • Saturday Multiple times
  • Sunday Multiple times

Book a Class

If you have any questions about a class, feel free to reach out to us! See contact information below.